Ramadan Iftar Sehri Timing 2021 Bangladesh

Ramadan Iftar Sehri Timing
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Ramadan Iftar Sehri Timing 2021 Bangladesh. On Friday the 14th May 2021 Eid ul Fitr will be observed in Bangladesh. Ramadan 2021 will be started on the 14th of April 2021 (1st Sehri 13 April at Night). Shab-E-Qadar on 09 May 2021 Night i.e. Day 10 May 2021. *Eid ul Fitor in Bangladesh will be observed on 14 May 2021. Dhaka Ramadan Timings 2021. Bangladesh Ramadan Timings 2021. World Wide Ramadan Timing 2021. Islamic foundation of Bangladesh Ramadan Calendar 2021. Ramadan calendar 2021 is now available at bdcareer.net. Holy Ramadan for 1442 Hijri is reached with packages of pleasure and blessings. *Eid ul Fitr in Bangladesh will be celebrated on Friday, 14 May 2021.

Ramadan in Bangladesh from Wednesday as the moon if sighted in the Sky any part in the region. Muslims in Bangladesh will begin fasting from Wednesday, 14 April 2021 as the National Moon Sighting Committee says Ramadan begins on that day if the moon sighted in any part of the country on the due day. Get the perfect fasting schedule for not only Bangladesh but also for the different parts of the world. bdcareer.net offers sehri and iftar timings for Ramadan 2021. No difficulty, which parts of the world your resident in. This calendar will assist you to tell the exact fasting opening and closing timing for your city or country.

Ramadan Iftar Sehri Timing 2021 Details Click Here

Roja is the third pillar among the five pillars of Islam. The Five Pillars of Islam are Kalema, Namaz, Roja, Hajj, and Zakat. Ramadan is the 9th calendar month of the Arabic calendar which month calls the World Muslims fasting month or Roja Month where Muslims of worldwide keep fasting for a perfect time.

Iftar Shari Schedule 2021 for Dhaka and Other Area of Bangladesh Click Here

Download Iftar Sehri Timetable 2021

Ramadan Iftar Sehari Timetable 2021

Download Sehri Iftar Schedule 2021

Download Sehri Iftar Schedule 2021

Download Five Times Prayer Rules with Bengali & Arabic Translation

Permanent Calendar for Sahri Iftar & Namaz

Islamic Calendar (Hijri) 1442

Lailatul Kadorer Duwa

Allahumma Innaka Aafuwon Tuhibu AlAaffwa FAafu Anni

 Oh, Allah! You are most forgiving, you love to forgive, so forgive me

Sahari and Iftar Neat & Duwa

Sahari and Iftar Niat & Dowa

Download Iftar and Shari Neat & Duwa

Roja Rakhar Neat

When Observed Eid ul Fitr 2021?

Eid ul Fitor in Bangladesh will be held on Friday, 14 May 2021. Most probably Eid ul Fitr in Bangladesh will be observed on May 14, 2021. If Ramadan lasts for 29 days, then Eid will be held on 13 May 2021. But if Ramadan lasts for 30 days or if we failed to see the moon in the sky on 12 May then we will celebrate Eidul Fitr on 14 May 2021.

Important Date of Ramadan 2021 at a Glance

Shab-E-Barat will be held on 29 March 2021 at Night ( i.e. Day 30 March 2021)

Ramadan 2021 will be started on 14 April 2021. (1st Sehri 13 April at Night)

Shab-E-Qadar will be observed on 09 May 2021 at Night ( i.e. Day 10 May 2021)

Jamat-ul-Bida will be observed on 07 May 2021

*Eid-ul-Fitr will be observed on Friday, 14 May 2021.

Eid-ul-Azha will be observed on Tuesday, 20 July 2021.

*All Depends on appears seen the Moon in the Sky.

Islamic Calendar (Hijri) 1442

Islamic Calendar (Hijri) 1442 Download Click Here

Islamic Calendar 1442

Islamic Calendar 1442

Five Times Prayer Rules (Namajer Tasbih) with Arabic and Bangla Translation Click Here

Download Five Times Namajer Tasbih with Arabic and Bangla Translation Click Below:

Ramadan Iftar Sehri Timing 2021 other parts of the World

How Muslims around the world observe Iftar for breaking of their daily fast

Iftar is the meal served at sunset during Ramadan, as Muslims break the daily fast. Muslims traditionally first break the fast with dates and either water or a yogurt drink. After Maghrib prayer, they then have a full-course meal, consisting of soup, salad, appetizers, and main dishes.

Iftar Sehari Timetable Bangladesh

Iftar Sehari Timetable Bangladesh

Details and more information found on the Bangladesh Islamic Foundation website www.islamicfoundation.gov.bd

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About the Author: Shahriar Kobir

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