Primary Education Completion Exam Routine 2020

PSC Ebtedaye Exam Routine 2020

Primary Education Completion Exam Routine 2020. PSC & Ebtedaiye exam Routine 2020 published and found here soon. This year PSC & Ebtedaiye exam will not be held in 2020. Click Latest Exam Routine. Last year PSC Primary School Certificate (PSC) and Madrasa (Ebtedayee) exam were started on Sunday 17 November 2019 and it was continued … Read more

PSC Result 2020

PSC Result 2020

PSC Result 2020. Primary School and Madrasa Ebtedayee Exam Result 2020 published & found here soon. PSC Result 2020 Primary School Certificate Result 2020 published on due time 2020. PSC Result 2020 Primary School Certificate Result 2020 will be published by the government website or Last year PSC and Madrasa (Ebtedayee) exam result … Read more

Ebtedayee Exam Routine 2020

PSC Ebtedaye Exam Routine 2020

When Ebtedayee Exam 2020 will be Started? Ebtedayee Exam Routine 2020. Ebtedayee Madrasa Exam Routine 2020 published and found here soon. Ebtedaiye & PSC Primary exam 2020 may be started from 22 November 2020 and it would be continued ended on 29 November 2020. Last year PSC Primary School Certificate (PSC) and Madrasa Ebtedayee exam … Read more