Nurani Dyeing & Sweater Limited IPO Lottery Result

Nurani Dyeing & Sweater Limited IPO Lottery Result
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Nurani Dyeing & Sweater Limited IPO Lottery Result has been published today on Tuesday, 02 May 2017. Nurani Dyeing & Sweater Limited IPO Lottery Result updated here. Public offer for application of Nurani Dyeing & Sweater Limited from 02 April 2017 to 10 April 2017. Download Nurani Dyeing & Sweater Limited IPO Lottery Result that will be published here.  IPO or an Initial Public Offer (IPO) is the first sale of a stock by a private company to the public company. In this way, a company can increase money by issuing either debt or equity. IPO or Share market inauguration is a type of public offer in which shares of a company generally are sold to the predictable investors that in turn, sell to the general public by a securities exchange for the first time.

In this way, a private company converts into a public limited company. IPOs are often issued by smaller or newer companies seeking the funds or capital to expand, but can also be done by large privately-owned companies looking to become in public traded.

Nurani Dyeing & Sweater Limited IPO Lottery Result

Initial Public Offer (IPO) of Nurani Dyeing & Sweater Limited

Nurani Dyeing Sweater Limited IPO Lottery Result found here. Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC) has approved the initial public offering (IPO) of Nurani Dyeing & Sweater Limited on 09 February 2017 on his 597th meeting. The company has expressed its intention to collect Taka 43 crore from the capital market offering 4 Crore 30 Lac ordinary shares to issue share prices at Taka 10 as face value. The company’s earning per shares (EPS) Taka 0.37 for the period (3 Months) ended on and net asset value (NAV) Taka 14.37 according to the financial statement as on 30 June 2016. Imperial Capital Limited, EBL Investment Limited, and CAPM Advisory Limited have acted on behalf of the company’s issue managers. The company will spend the capital for Business expansion, Loan repayment and IPO related other relevant expenses.

Nurani Dyeing & Sweater Limited IPO Lottery Result Found Here

Download Nurani Dyeing & Sweater Limited IPO Lottery Result from here. After ending of application of Initial Public Offer (IPO) from 02 April 2017 to 10 April 2017. Nurani Dyeing & Sweater Limited IPO Lottery Result has been published on Tuesday, 02 May 2017. Place: Engineering Institute, Ramna, Dhaka at 10:30 A.M. See the Result below. Total Applied 27.72 Times, General Applied 31.50, Affected Applied 15.02, NRB Applied 11, MF Applied 22.50 and Intuition Applied 32.50 Times.

Click the following Link to get Nurani Dyeing & Sweater Limited IPO Lottery Result

  1. Stock Broker/ Merchant Bank Code
  2. General Public/Resident Bangladesh
  3. Non-Residence Bangladesh(NRB)
  4. Affected Small Investors
  5. Eligible Investor Mutual Fund
  6. Eligible Investors Other Than Mutual Fund
  7. Distribution of Refund Warrant

You can also get the result from the official website of Nurani Dyeing Sweater Limited IPO Lottery Result i.e.

You can also download Nurani Dyeing & Sweater Limited IPO Lottery Result from Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) original website

Nurani Dyeing & Sweater Limited as per Prospectus

(Subscription Open: April 02, 2017, Close: April 10, 2017)

Share Value: Taka 10/Per Share
Lot Distribution: 500
Total Value Taka = 5,000
Eligible Investor (EI) (20%) = 17,200 Lot

Mutual Fund (MF) (10%) = 8,600 Lot
General Public (40%) = 34,400 Lot
Affected Investors (20%) = 17,200 Lot
Non-Residential Bangladesh (NRB) (10%) = 8,600 Lot
Total Lot 100% = 86,000 Lot
Total Share = 4 Core 30 Lac

Earnings per Share (EPS): 0.37 
Net Asset Value (NAV): 14.37
according to the financial statement for the period of 3 Months ended on 30 June 2016.

Issue Manager: Imperial Capital Limited, EBL Investment Limited, and CAPM Advisory Limited have acted on behalf of the company’s issue managers.


Click here to Download Prospectus of Nurani Dyeing & Sweater Limited

Exporting Countries of Nurani Dyeing & Sweater Limited Products

Nurani Dyeing & Sweater Limited is a 100% export oriented Yarn dyeing and sweater knitting industry company and it exports many countries in the world. It exports garments products to the buyers and his main buyers are Bluenotes, Terranova, Caro and many others.

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