MSW Job Circular 2023

MSW Job Career
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Ministry of Social Welfare Recruitment Circular 2023 (MSW Job Career 2023) has been published. Ministry of Social Welfare published the recruitment on their official website on 14 September 2023. A total of 02 people will be recruited for 02 posts. Ministry of Social Welfare Job Circular 2023 Interested male and female candidates can apply by post, application has started. Through this post we will know the details about Ministry of Social Welfare Recruitment 2023 circular application eligibility, application rules, recruitment test, test date, result etc. Then let’s know the details in the light of MSW Job Career Job Circular 2023.

Ministry of Social Welfare Job Circular

Are you looking for social welfare ministry recruitment circular? If you are looking then you have entered the right website. We regularly publish ongoing social welfare ministry recruitment circulars on this site. So if you are an eligible and interested candidate to apply for MSW Job Career Recruitment Circular then without delay you can apply soon as per the instructions given by the authorities within the specified time. Here you will get the news of all types of jobs first at once. All recruitment test time-tables are published. So to get updates first visit :

Ministry of Social Welfare Job Circular 2023 Requirements

MSW Job Career is a Ministry of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. This ministry is one of the Bangladesh government’s social development, social services and related regulations and policies. Social welfare ministry job is one among other government jobs nowadays. You can build your beautiful future by doing social welfare ministry job. The Ministry of Social Welfare publishes job circulars from time to time for the purpose of hiring numerous manpower in various categories. We publish all the government and private jobs news of Bangladesh on our website and discuss all types of job news in detail. Through this post, I have discussed in detail about the Ministry of Social Welfare recruitment circular. If you are interested to know detailed information about Ministry of Social Welfare Job Notification then you can read the post carefully from beginning to end.

Ministry of Social Welfare Job Circular 2023 Image 


If you want to understand all the details of the recruitment notice, you need to see the Ministry of Social Welfare Job Circular 2023 Image. We understand the importance of a circular picture; We have attached the MSW Job Circular 2023 Image below. Hopefully, there was no difficulty in understanding the Ministry of Social Welfare MSW Job Circular 2023 Image.


MSW Job Career

MSW Job Circular Application Form

If you are an eligible and interested candidate to apply for the MSW Job Career Recruitment Circular then candidates have to download the government prescribed job application form from the website of National Disability Development Foundation ( Applications should reach the Managing Director, National Disability Development Foundation, Subarna Bhavan, A/4, Section-14, Mirpur, Dhaka-1206 by 18-10-2023 by 5.00 PM. Applications received after the stipulated time will be considered cancelled. The name of the post and the name of your district should be written on the envelope.

Application Start Time: Application process has started.
Application deadline: 18th October 2023 till 05:00 PM.

Ministry of Social Welfare Application Form

Ministry of Social Welfare is one of the most important ministries related to human resource development, poverty alleviation, welfare, development and empowerment of backward and backward communities of Bangladesh. In order to introduce Bangladesh as a welfare state, the Ministry of Social Welfare is implementing old age allowance, widow allowance, disability allowance, acid burn and disabled persons support programs. The Ministry of Social Welfare is also providing assistance to the backward, backward sections of society, unemployed, landless, orphans, destitute, in both rural and urban areas across the country. Implementing multi-dimensional and intensive programs for the welfare and development of vagrants, destitute, socially, intellectually and physically challenged persons, poor, destitute patients, vulnerable children.

Conditions for applying for the Ministry of Social Welfare:

Age of general candidates applying for recruitment is 18-30 years as on 18-10-2023. However, in the case of sons and daughters of freedom fighters and martyred freedom fighters and disabled candidates, the age is 18-32 years. Affidavit is not admissible for proof of age.

Procedure to apply by post for Ministry of Social Welfare:

A) All the candidates who wish to apply must first visit the official website ( and download the application form.

Ministry of Social Welfare Job Application Form is also given below. Download link is also attached with the form. Candidates can also download from here. Ministry of Social Welfare will download the job application form and fill it with correct information.
b) Once the application form is properly filled, keep the following documents in one place.

Recently 03 copies of passport size color photos.
Photocopy of National Identity Card.
Photocopy of educational qualification certificate of all levels.
Photocopy of all examination mark sheets.
Photocopy of experience and training certificates. (if applicable)
Character Certificate (Original) issued by Gazetted Officer of 1st Class.
Permanent Address Certificate (original).
Application Fee Deposit Receipt (Original Copy).
Note that the photocopies of all the documents which have been requested along with the photograph must be attested. Must be attested by a 1st Class Gazetted Officer.

c) Application form and required documents should be sent by post or courier service to Managing Director, National Disability Development Foundation, Subarna Bhavan, A/4, Section-14, Mirpur, Dhaka-1206.

d) Application form and required documents should be sent in 10 X 5” size letter envelope. The current address should be written clearly on the letter envelope.

But candidates can also type if they want. Then an unused postage stamp worth 10 taka should be affixed to the said letter.

Ministry of Social Welfare Recruitment Application Fee Submission Procedure:

600/- (Six Hundred) with irrevocable pay order/bank draft payable to National Disability Development Foundation along with the application.

Conditions for Participation in Ministry of Social Welfare Recruitment Test:

According to the Ministry of Social Welfare Recruitment Circular 2023, the recruitment test will be conducted in two stages. The two stages are:

1. written test
2. oral examination
3. Computer proficiency test for other qualifications. (as per rank).

Ministry of Social Welfare Recruitment Exam Schedule:

Written and Oral Test will be conducted for all posts. The venue, date and schedule of the examination will be intimated to the candidates in due course through SMS on their mobile phones or through letter by post. Also published on Ministry of Social Welfare website

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About the Author: Career Artist

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