Islamic University Admission Notice 2024

Islamic University Admission Notice 2024
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Islamic University Admission Notice 2024 will be found on my website. Islamic University Kushtia is one of the major public universities in Bangladesh. Islamic University is the largest seat of higher education in the southwest part of the country. Islamic University Kushtia is a major international center for an excellent integration of Islamic Studies with the General Studies and Studies of Modern Science and Technology.

Islamic University Kushtia provides both local and foreign students with the facilities for undergraduate studies, postgraduate research, and teaching. The standard of teaching is high and the facilities both for academic and extracurricular activities are of good quality. Islamic University Admission Notice 2024.

Islamic University Admission Notice 2024

Islamic University Kushtia is a campus-oriented university, where the academic and administrative buildings, residential halls and gymnasium, central cafeteria, and auditorium all are on one self-contained 175-acre site at Shantidanga-Dulalpur, beside the Kushtia-Khulna highway and about 24 km south and 22 km north of respectively the Kushtia and Jhenidah district-towns.

Islamic University Admission Notice 2024

Now Islamic University Kushtia published an Admission test notice within a very short time. Islamic University Admission Result 2023-24 will be also found on my website. Islamic University is the part of Bangladesh government’s education sector and Arabic line.

Islamic University Admission Notice 2024

Islamic University Kushtia announced the Admission test 2023-24. The Islamic University Kushtia Admission test will be held on 1st December 2018 and continue on 5th December 2018. Islamic University Kushtia students admitted to the Departments and Institutes of the University have either to reside in or be attached to a hall of residence.

The Islamic University Kushtia has seven halls of residence, four for male students and three for female students. The administration of a hall is headed by a Provost who is assisted by several House Tutors and Assistant House Tutors while the administration of a hostel is controlled by a Warden assisted by Assistant Warden(s). Islamic University Admission Notice 2024.

Islamic University Admission Requirements

Only those students who have passed the Higher Secondary / Honors in 2019 or 2024 and the Secondary Examinations in 2015 and have the qualifications mentioned below can apply to take part in the admission test in Islamic University A, B, C, and D units.

Science Group: Science students should have an SSC GPA of 3.25 and an HSC GPA of 3.25 with four subjects. SSC & HSC combined GPA of 7.00 with four subjects.

Business Group: Business Education students must have an SSC GPA of 3.25 and an HSC GPA of 3.25 with four subjects. SSC & HSC combined will get a total GPA of 6.75 with four subjects.

Humanities Group: Humanities students must have an SSC GPA of 3.00 and an HSC GPA of 3.00 in four subjects. SSC & HSC combined GPA of 6.50 with four subjects.

Vocational Group: Technical students must have an SSC GPA of 3.25 and an HSC GPA of 3.25 in four subjects. SSC & HSC combined will get a total GPA of 6.75 with four subjects.

Important Information on Islamic University Admission:

E and F Unit: November 04, 2024

D Unit: November 05, 2024

G and H Unit: November 06, 2024

A and B Unit: November 07, 2024

C Unit: November 08, 2024

Kushtia Islamic University Total Seat

Many of you want to know the total number of seats in the Islamic University. However, the answer to your question is, the total number of seats in this university is 2500. In other words, 2500 students will be admitted to this university.

Islamic University Total Seat: 2500

However, the number of seats may be a little more or less with the new circular of the university.

Islamic University Admission Test Marks Distribution

The maximum number/score of the admission test is 40 + 60 + 20 = 120 (one hundred and twenty) which is divided into the following three parts:

GPA Score 40: Based on GPA of Secondary / Equivalent and Higher Secondary / Equivalent examinations (Maximum GPA of 5.00 for Secondary / Equivalent Examination and 4 times of maximum GPA of 5.00 for Higher Secondary / Equivalent Examination 10.00)

MCQ Number / Score 60: The admission test will usually have MCQ questions of 70 marks as per the syllabus of Higher Secondary / Equivalent class, the answers of which will have to be given by filling in the correct answer circle in the OMR sheet.

Impersonal Written Test Number 20: 20 objective questions must be answered in writing.

Islamic University Admission Notice 2024

SMS Method Islamic University Admission 2023-24

Application Start Date: 2 September 2024

Application Last Date: 1 October 2024

***You can apply online only from the teletalk operator from September 02, 2024

IU<space>HSC Board Name<space>HSC Roll No<space>HSC Passed Year<space>SSC Board Name<space>SSC Roll No<space>SSC Passed Year<space>Your Desired Unit<space>Quota And send to 16222.

Example:  IU JES 123456 2018 JES 2011 G and Send To 16222

For Quota:  IU JES 123456 2018 JES 2011 A FFQ And Send To 16222

To confirm your registration send again an SMS to 16222 as

IU<space>YES<space>654321(PIN No) <space>01XXXXXXXX (Applicant’s Mobile No)

KEYWORD: freedom fighter FFQ, ward quota WQ, player quota SQ, tribal quota TQ, Non-tribal quota NTQ, Artist quota AQ

Islamic University Admission Result 2023-24

The list of Departments and seat capacity is given below

Al-Quran and Islamic Studies              80

Da’wah & Islamic Studies                      80

Al-Hadith & Islamic Studies                  80

Economics                                                  75

Arabic Language and Literature            80

Bengali                                                         80

Islamic History and Culture                     80

English                                                         100

Public Administration                                  75

Folklore Studies                                          100

Political Science                                             75

Development Studies                                    75

Social Welfare                                                 75

Law                                                                   80

Al-Fiqh and Legal Studies                            60

Law and Land Management                         80

Accounting and Information Systems         75

Management                                                      75

Finance and Banking                                        75

Marketing                                                            75

Human Resource Management                       75

Tourism and Hospitality Management           75

Electrical and Electronic Engineering             50

Applied Chemistry & Chemical Engineering  50

Computer Science and Engineering                  50

Information and Communication Engineering  50

Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering            50

Applied Nutrition and Food Technology            50

Mathematics                                                              50

Statistics                                                                      50

Biomedical Engineering                                           50

Environmental Science and Geography                50

Pharmacy                                                                     50

Islamic University Admission Notice 2024

Islamic University Admission Notice 2024

Islamic University Kushtia also has activities in Arabic line such as Kamil, and Fazil, You can know about other years this time there will be separate results published by the authority which are Fazil Degree 1st Year Exam Result, Fazil Degree 2nd Year Exam Result and Fazil Degree 3rd Year Exam Result. More relevant news regarding these has been provided on your site. Interested people can go through to learn more about Fazil Exam Result.

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