Index Agro Industries Limited IPO Lottery Result & Information. Index Agro IPO Share Trading Commence on 07 April 2021. Index Agro Industries Limited IPO Lottery Result publishing date is 22 March 2021. Index Agro Industries Limited (IAIL), a concern of Index Group of Companies, began operations in the year 2000. IAIL produces poultry feed, fish feed, and Day-Old Chicks (broiler & layer). Most recently, IAIL has decided to move ahead with Initial Public Offerings. The Company is going to start its Initial Public Offer (IPO) subscription on 22 February 2021 this year. BO Account holders may apply for primary shares of the company until 28 February 2021. IPO Lottery Result will be updated and found here timely.
IPO Lottery Result & Information of Index Agro Industries Limited Click Latest
Index Agro Industries was incorporated on 13 September 2000 and started commercial operation on 1 July 2004. An automated manufacturing facility for poultry feed. Such integration provided a powerful thrust to the breeder and hatchery operations of IAIL by ensuring the availability of quality feed. The company markets and packages its feed products under the brand name X Feed and X Goldring.
- Index Agro Industries Limited IPO Information Details
- Financial & Overall Information of Index Agro Industries Limited
- Confirmation If Your IPO Application is Deposited or Not? Check the Consolidated Application List Click Here
- Index Agro Industries Limited IPO Lottery Result Click Details
- Prospectus of Index Agro Industries Limited
- Index Group of Companies at a Glance Click Here
- Brief Description of the Company (Index Agro Industries Limited)
- About the industry-Index Agro Industries Limited (IAIL)
- Registered & Corporate Office of Index Agro Industries Limited
Index Agro Industries Limited IPO Information Details
The third quarter (Q3) period ended on March 31, 2021. Basic EPS of Tk. 1.45 for the 3 (three) months (January-March 2021) period ended on 31 March 2021 which is basic EPS of Tk. 1.29 for the same period of the last year and 09 Months (July 2020-March 2021) EPS of Tk. 4.81 which is the EPS of Tk. 4.90 for the same period of the previous year.
Index Agro IPO Share Trading Commence on 07 April 2021. Index Agro Industries Limited (Q2Financial): As per un-audited Q2 financial statements, profit after tax is Tk. 59.87 million and basic EPS of Tk. 1.54 for the 3 (three) months (October-December 2020) period ended on 31 December 2020 against profit after tax of Tk. 78.58 million and basic EPS of Tk. 2.01 for the same period of the previous year. However, Post-IPO basic EPS for the 3 (three) months (October-December 2020) period ended on 31 December 2020 would be Tk. 1.27. Index Agro Industries Limited IPO Lottery Result publishing date is March 22, 2021. Index Agro Industries Company Limited has got consent from BSEC to get enlisted in the share market of Bangladesh under the Book Building method. Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC) has approved the prospectus for the Initial Public Offering (IPO) to raise Tk. 50 crores from the capital market through the Book Building method. Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC) has approved the initial public offering (IPO) of Index Agro Industries Limited at their regular commission meeting held on September 10, 2020.
As per the bidding of EIIs, the cut-off price of the company’s shares stood at Tk 62 and so shares would be allotted to general investors along with NRB investors at Tk 50 each. Index Agro Industries Limited is one of the leading poultry feed, fish feed, and Day-Old Chick (broiler & layer) companies in Bangladesh.
Financial & Overall Information of Index Agro Industries Limited
The third quarter (Q3) period ended on March 31, 2021. Basic EPS of Tk. 1.45 for the 3 (three) months (January-March 2021) period ended on 31 March 2021 which is basic EPS of Tk. 1.29 for the same period of the last year and 09 Months (July 2020-March 2021) EPS of Tk. 4.81 which is the EPS of Tk. 4.90 for the same period of the previous year.
The company’s issue manager’s name is AFC Capital Limited and EBL Investments Limited. The company will use the IPO Fund for Investment in Building & Civil Construction Amount (BDT) 175,367,900.00 (35.07%) Machineries and Equipment Amount (BDT) 299,632,100.00 (59.93%) & IPO-related relevant expenses Amount (BDT) 25,000,000.00 (5.00%) according to the Prospectus.
For the Company’s IPO fund, the company will use the IPO Fund for Building & Civil Construction Amount (BDT) 175,367,900.00 (35.07%) Machineries and Equipment Amount (BDT) 299,632,100.00 (59.93%) & IPO-related relevant expenses Amount (BDT) 25,000,000.00 (5.00%) according to the IPO prospectus.
Confirmation If Your IPO Application is Deposited or Not? Check the Consolidated Application List Click Here
You can check your IPO Application (Index Agro Industries which Subscription Open February 22, 2021, and Close date February 28, 2021) is CORRECTLY deposited or not. Check by the link below:
Index Agro Industries Limited IPO Lottery Result Click Details
Index Agro Industries Limited IPO Lottery Result publishing date is 22 March 2021. Total Applied .. Times, General Applied (RB) 39.60 Times, Affected Applied 12.67 Times, NRB Applied …Times. Download Desh General Insurance Company Limited IPO Lottery Result from here. After the ending of application of the Initial Public Offer (IPO) from February 14, 2021, to 18 February 2021, The Index Agro Industries Limited IPO Lottery draw held on March 22, 2021. Place: IPO lottery of Desh General Insurance Company Limited performed on 22 March 2021. The IPO results also published on the websites of the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE), Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE), and the company’s website after the lottery programmed. See the Result below.
Click the following Link to get Index Agro Industries IPO Lottery Result
- Stock Brokers/Merchant Banks Code
- General Public/Resident Bangladeshi
- Non-Residence Bangladeshi(NRB)
- Affected Small Investors
- All Eligible Investor (Pro-Data Allotment)
You can also get the result from the official website of Index Agro Industries Limited IPO Lottery Result i.e. www.index-agro.com
You can also download the Index Agro Industries Limited IPO Lottery Result from Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) original website https://www.dsebd.org/ipo_lottery_result.php
Prospectus of Index Agro Industries Limited
The below prospectus has been described as the overall information of the company. Sector: Food
Index Agro Industries Limited
(Subscription Open: February 22, 2021, Close: February 28, 2021)
Nature of Business: The principal activities of this Company are manufacturing and marketing of poultry feed, fish feed, and producing Day Old Chicks (DOC).
Major Products/Divisions: Index Agro Industries Limited produces and distributes feeds that are used for broiler chicken and layer chicken. The Company also produces fish feed and Day Old Chicks (DOC).
Security Trading Code: INDEXAGRO
BSEC’s Consent for IPO: January 20, 2021
Issue Date of Prospectus: January 24, 2021
Subscription Open: February 22, 2021
Subscription Close (Cut-off Date): February 28, 2021
Authorized Capital: BDT 1,000,000,000
Pre-IPO paid-up Capital: BDT 390,000,000
IPO size in shares: 8,253,649
IPO size in BDT at face value: BDT 82,536,490
IPO size in BDT at offer price: BDT 500,000,000
Post IPO Paid-up Capital: BDT 472,536,490
Face Value per share: BDT 10.00
Cut-Off Price per share: BDT 62.00
Offer Price per share for GP: BDT 50.00
Market Lot (Shares): 100
NAV per share with revaluation BDT 45.03 as of June 30, 2019
NAV per share without revaluation BDT 44.06 as of June 30, 2019
Earnings per Share (Basic): BDT 7.07 for the year ended on June 30, 2019
Issue Manager: AFC Capital Limited & EBL Investments Limited
Registrar to the Issue: Imperial Capital Limited
Auditor: FAMES & R (Chartered Accountants)
Website: www.index-agro.com
Click below to Download Prospectus of Index Agro Industries Limited
Index Group of Companies at a Glance Click Here
Index Agro Industries Limited (IAIL), a concern of Index Group of Companies, began operations in the year 2000. IAIL produces poultry feed, fish feed, and Day-Old Chicks (broiler & layer). Most recently, IAIL has decided to move ahead with Initial Public Offerings.
The project has been designed for successfully producing and marketing Fish & Poultry feeds. An experienced and well-organized team of local poultry experts engaged full-time for the smooth operation of the company. Commencing operation back in 2009, the company has held its reputation as a quality provider of feed in the market. Started off with a 5 tons (per hour) capacity plant. Now the capacity has reached 8 tons (per hour) with a manpower capacity of 365. The actual production capacity of the feed mill is 96,000 MT Feed. Recently, the company has added ‘cattle feed’ in its product line. There is also a fish feed plant.
About Index Poultry
Incorporated in the year 2000, Index commenced operations with a poultry hatching and breeder facility to cater to the growing demand for quality pullets for the promising local poultry industry.
To cater to the growing demand of the poultry sector in North Bengal, IPL was incorporated in 2006 in the Rangpur District. To maintain a healthy supply of healthy Day Old Chicks (DOC), IPL has established a breeder farm and hatchery at this location. The breeder farms are fully equipped with modern feeding and drinking systems, maintaining healthy and safe conditions for the parent stocks.
About Index Fisheries
Index Fisheries Ltd. is working with Aquaculture & Fisheries business. The company has been incorporated in 2004 and now producing good quality seeds (Fish Fry & Fingerlings) from our own Hatchery/Aqua Breeder Farm. Its aquaculture, quality seed are the two most important factors. There are three major issues for being a profitable fish farm
Brief Description of the Company (Index Agro Industries Limited)
Index Agro Industries Limited (IAIL) was incorporated in Bangladesh on September 13, 2000, as a private limited company by shares under the Companies Act, 1994 having the registration no. C-41289(648)/2000. The Company started its commercial operation on July 01, 2004. Subsequently, IAIL was converted as a public limited company by shares under the Companies Act, 1994 on March 31, 2015.
The principal activities of this Company are manufacturing and marketing poultry feed, fish feed, and producing Day Old Chicks (DOC). Index Agro Industries Limited has no subsidiary company but it has an associate company named X-Ceramics Ltd. where the issuer holds 24.39% shares. X-Ceramics Ltd. is engaged in manufacturing ceramic tiles in Bangladesh.
It has no subsidiary company but has an associate company named X-Ceramics Ltd where the issuer holds 24.39% of shares. X-Ceramics Ltd manufactures ceramic tiles.
About the industry-Index Agro Industries Limited (IAIL)
The poultry sector includes farms producing birds for meat and eggs and supporting firms of the commercial poultry farms that are Feed, medicine, and raw material producer. Specialized hatcheries deliver chicks from the incubator to commercial growers, who are mostly marginal farmers producing broilers. Large-scale Day Old Chick (DOC) producers are now virtually monopolized the poultry industry. At present, many local animal feed producers are operating in Bangladesh. Economies of scale in the production process have been the key in this business. Smaller commercial-ready feed makers are hence facing survival risks in the face of competition from larger, more efficient top producers.
Over the years’ modern techniques have been implemented for poultry rearing that led to the gradual development of farms and hatcheries with high technology and environment-controlled systems. There has been constant development and growth in the industry as of now and it plays one of the most important roles in the contribution to the agricultural economy. Considering this major role, the government has given top priority to this sector and encouraged the private sector to come up with more investment in the field of Poultry, Dairy, Fisheries, and Agriculture, etc. The industry has posted annual growth of around 20% during the last one and a half decades.
The Value of the global feed industry business is around USD 400 billion a year with more than 31000 feed mill companies in the world. The current global capacity is around 980 million tons whereas in Asia there are around 13,736 manufacturers with a capacity of over 350 million tonnes. Bangladesh, being a small country in Asia, is gradually increasing the dimension and horizon of the feed milling industry with the total investment for the poultry sector of the country is more than BDT 5,000 Crore and more than 130,000 Poultry Farms have been established in the rural areas throughout the country. The industry has been successful in providing employment opportunities to the rural population. About 6,000,000 people are directly and indirectly involved in the poultry sector for their livelihood.
Registered & Corporate Office of Index Agro Industries Limited
Index Agro Industries Limited (IAIL)
Corporate Head Office
MF Tower (4th Floor), Gh-95/C, Middle Badda,
Progoti Saroni, Dhaka – 1212, Bangladesh
Tel: +88-02-58817175, +88-02-222296442
Fax: +88-02-58814759
Email: info@index-companies.com
Web: www.index-agro.com
Registered Office
The registered office of the Company is situated at 601/01, Block: N, Dhaka Mymenshing Road, Kathali, 09 no. Ward, Valuka,Mymensingh.
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