BD Thai Food and Beverage Ltd IPO Share Allotment List & Information 2022. BD Thai Food and Beverage Ltd IPO Share Allotment List & Information 2022. BD Thai Food and Beverage Ltd is one of the leading companies in Bangladesh which offers a complete range of food products and services in different areas across the country. The company markets its products under the brand name “Nectar”, distributing its products through 260 dealers. The company processes different kinds of fruit juices, carbonated beverages, drinking water, hard candies, soft candies, lollipops, and gums. The Company is going to start its Initial Public Offer (IPO) subscription on 23 December 2021 this year. BO Account holders may apply for primary shares of the company until 29 December 2021. IPO Share Allotment Result List will be updated and found here timely.
IPO Lottery Result & Information of BD Thai Food & Beverage Limited Click Latest
BD Thai Food & Beverage Limited commenced its business on 13 October 2010 as a Private Limited Company, it has already emerged as a viable and very promising food company in the country has maintained its market leadership and supremacy over the journey of these 11 glorious years with the vision to serve better food & beverage items in Bangladesh. The main objective of the Company is to uphold the principles of transparent perception and corporate practices thus turning it to be a viably profitable company in the country.
- BD Thai Food & Beverage Limited IPO Information Details
- Financial Information of BD Thai Food & Beverage Limited
- Confirmation If Your IPO Application is Deposited or Not? Check the Consolidated Application List Click Here
- BD Thai Food & Beverage Limited IPO Share Allotment Result List Click Details
- Prospectus of BD Thai Food & Beverage Limited
- Brief Description of the Company (BD Thai Food & Beverage Limited)
- Sister Concern of the companies in Bangladesh
- Registered & Corporate Office of BD Thai Food & Beverage Limited
BD Thai Food & Beverage Limited IPO Information Details
BD Thai Food & Beverage IPO Share Trade started on 2022 Details Information 2022. BD Thai Food & Beverage Limited IPO Share Allotment Result list has been published & found here. BD Thai Food & Beverage Limited has got consent from BSEC to get enlisted in the share market of Bangladesh under the Fixed Price method. Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC) has approved the prospectus for the Initial Public Offering (IPO) to raise Tk. 15 crores from the capital market through the Fixed Price method. Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC) has approved the initial public offering (IPO) of BD Thai Food & Beverage Limited at their regular commission meeting held on November 18, 2021.
BD Thai Food & BeverageLimited is one of the leading companies in Bangladesh. BD Thai Food & Beverage was incorporated on 13 October 2010 as a public limited company under the Companies Act 1913 and its operation commenced with a paid-up capital of BDT 66.5 Crore. BD Thai Food & Beverage has a presence in the advantageously important parts of the country which includes various outlets. BD Thai Food & Beverage Limited has maintained its market leadership and primacy over the journey of these 07 glorious years with the vision to build a secure Bangladesh.
Financial Information of BD Thai Food & Beverage Limited
The company’s issue manager’s name is Unicap Investments Limited and BLI Capital Limited. The company will be used for the Acquisition of Machinery & Equipment, Construction of buildings, and other civil works & Expenses of the IPO Process.
For the Company’s IPO fund, the company will use the IPO Fund for
1. Investment in machinery and equipment
2. Building construction and civil work
3. Land and land development
4. Bank loan repayments, IPO Expenses & IPO-related relevant expenses according to the IPO prospectus.
Confirmation If Your IPO Application is Deposited or Not? Check the Consolidated Application List Click Here
You can check your IPO Application (BD Thai Food & Beverage Limited which Subscription Open December 23, 2021, and Close date December 29, 2021) is CORRECTLY deposited or not. Check by the link below:
BD Thai Food & Beverage Limited IPO Share Allotment Result List has published on 11 January 2022. Download BD Thai Food & Beverage Limited IPO Allotment List Result from here. After the ending of application of the Initial Public Offer (IPO) from December 23, 2021, to 29 December 2021. BD Thai Food & Beverage Limited IPO Share Allotment List 2022 has been published. Place: IPO lottery of BD Thai Food & Beverage Limited performed in 2022. The IPO results were also published on the websites of the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE), Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE), and the company’s website after the lottery was programmed. See the Result below.
Click the following Link to get BD Thai Food & Beverage IPO Share Allotment List
- Stock Brokers/Merchant Banks Code
- General Public/Resident Bangladeshi
- Non-Residence Bangladeshi(NRB)
- Affected Small Investors
- All Eligible Investor (Pro-Data Allotment)
You can also get the result from the official website of BD Thai Food & Beverage Limited IPO Share Allotment List Result i.e. www.btfbl.com
You can also download the BD Thai Food & Beverage Limited IPO Share Allotment List Result from Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) original website https://www.dsebd.org/ipo_lottery_result.php
Prospectus of BD Thai Food & Beverage Limited
The below prospectus has been described as the overall information of the company. Sector: Food
BD Thai Food & Beverage Limited
(Subscription Open: December 23, 2021, Close: December 29, 2021)
Nature of Business: The company is engaged in processing different kinds of fruit juices, carbonated beverages, drinking water, hard candies, soft candies, Lollipops, Gums, etc
Security Trading Code: BDTHAIFOOD
BSEC’s Consent for IPO: November 18, 2021
Issue Date of Prospectus: November 24, 2021
Subscription Open: December 23, 2021
Subscription Close (Cut-off Date): December 29, 2021
Authorized Capital: BDT 1,000,000,000
IPO size in shares: 15,000,000
IPO size in BDT at face value: BDT 150,000,000
IPO size in BDT at offer price: BDT 150,000,000
Post IPO Paid-up Capital: BDT 815,000,000
Face Value per share: BDT 10.00
Cut-Off Price per share: BDT 10.00
Offer Price per share for GP: BDT 10.00
NAV Per Share (with revaluation reserve): Tk. 14.23 as 30 June 2020.
NAV Per Share (without revaluation reserve): Tk. 12.82 as 30 June 2020.
Earnings per Share (Basic): BDT 0.61 as 30 June 2020.
Issue Manager: Unicap Investments Limited and BLI Capital Limited
Auditor: SHIRAZ KHAN BASAK & CO. (Chartered Accountants)
Website: Web: www.btfbl.com
Click below to Download Prospectus of BD Thai Food & Beverage Limited
Brief Description of the Company (BD Thai Food & Beverage Limited)
The company will issue 1.5 crore general shares at a face value of Tk10 each, according to a BSEC press statement. The company markets its products under the brand name “Nectar”, distributing its products through 260 dealers. The beverage producer will use the funds for machinery and equipment, building construction and civil work, land and land development, and bank loan repayments. The beverage producer will use the funds for machinery and equipment, building construction and civil work, land and land development, and bank loan repayments.
Sister Concern of the companies in Bangladesh
You should know the Top List of insurance companies in Bangladesh that leads the market in this sector, namely:
- BANGLADESH THAI ALUMINIUM is a listed company in the Dhaka and Chittagong stock exchange
- SUNLIFE INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED is a public limited company. The company mainly deals with individual life and Islamic individual life insurance business
- BD THAI COSMO LTD was set up in 2012 with a vision ”Make the best use of energy and make people more productive.
- RAHAT REAL ESTATE & CONSTRUCTION LTDis a private limited company. Purchase of land and sale of land and/or construction of flat for sale is the main business of the company.
- WORLDWIDE ENTERPRISE LTD (WWE)It is the trading concern of BD Thai group. It is engaged in the export and import of different items.
Registered & Corporate Office of BD Thai Food & Beverage Limited
BD Thai Food & Beverage Limited
Registered Office
Corporate Office Head Office
Corporate Address: BTA Tower (8th Floor),
29 Kemal Ataturk Avenue, Road no.-17,
Banani C/A, Dhaka-1213.
Factory Address: Boro Narayanpur, Amta,
Dhamrai, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Email: info@btfbl.com,
Web: www.btfbl.com
Tel: +88-02 222275571
Fax: +88-02-9821573
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